Industry news

Higher resolution of the barcode scanner is better

Many people think that the higher the accuracy of the barcode scanner, the better, yes, you guessed it. The higher the scanning accuracy of the barcode scanner, the more expensive the corresponding barcode scanner is, and the more expensive and the better, and there is no conflict between the two.
Everyone knows that the barcode scanner is used to scan the barcode. The barcode scanner has its own scanning accuracy limit. It is not that the scanner can scan any barcode, but the barcode scanner with high precision can be backward compatible. Barcodes with low precision, but it does not mean that the higher the scanning precision, the better because sometimes the precision is too high and there may be misreading if the barcode with a relatively large size is scanned. Common commodity barcodes in daily life generally use a 5Mil precision scanner.1675644729306931.jpg
Common barcode scanners on the market have a common accuracy of 3Mil, 4Mil, and 5Mil. The resolution of 5mil is approximately equal to 0.13mm, and the resolution of 3mil is approximately equal to 0.08mm. Generally speaking, the scanning light spot is the smallest bar width. About 0.8 times is more appropriate. In the case of general commodity barcodes with a magnification factor of 0.8, the minimum bar space size is 0.26mm.


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No3 Hao Tai Technology Park,Shenzhou Road 768,Sicence City,Luogang District,Guangzhou,China



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